
Welcome to the Young Go Getter! My mission with this site is to encourage a community atmosphere whereby everyone visiting can access support in making the best financial decisions for their circumstances.

Whether you need to succeed with your investing or real estate choices or you want some sound advice on banks, education choices or how to manage in the world of business, this is the site to help you achieve those goals!

Who Am I?

My name is Derek Collins, and I am the original Go Getter! Born and bred in the prosperous city of Seattle, USA, I have been traveling the world and living my dream life ever since leaving school.

I’m often asked how I can afford to live the carefree lifestyle that I do at such an early age, but in all honesty, I am in fact living proof that it is possible to achieve your goals regardless of age, sex or status.

Having been raised by hard-working parents, I have always been a self-starter and approach everything I do with pure motivation. At school, my parents work ethic rubbed off on me for I was often to be found trying to make a buck or two anywhere I could!

Growing up in the twenty-first century, I soon realized that the real money was to be made online and it wasn’t long before I was combining my studies with that of investing and making a profit online.

Because of my continuous presence online, I was amongst one of the first to discover the Bitcoin phenomena and decided to invest a small lump of money into this cryptocurrency during its early stages.

My investment paid off and, when the price of Bitcoin rocketed, my years of careful planning resulted in a massive payout.

What to Expect from The Young Go Getter Website

Having succeeded with Bitcoin and ultimately building my entire lifestyle around making money online, I felt it only fair to start sharing my journey with others interested in doing the same.

With so many people asking me, wherever I go, how I sustain my lifestyle, I realized there was an opportunity here for me to give back and offer as much advice as possible. This involves encouraging anybody interested in achieving their own financial goals or career and life aspirations, wherever possible.

Join me as we make our way through life, taking control of our finances and indeed circumstances along the way. Together we will achieve those lifelong goals, whatever they may be!