
  • November 23, 2020

Attract the Best Candidates in 3 Simple Steps

If you are keen to expand your staff numbers and bolster your business functions, you want to attract the finest candidates. This means finding those individuals who can bring a specific skill set to your business while also fitting into your already well established and cohesive team.

Finding the balance can be tricky. Many people appear to be the perfect candidate on paper, yet when you invite them to interview, they are dramatically different from what their resume would suggest. You need to attract the finest candidates in a number of ways. Read on to find out how.


It’s crucial that you can generate an accurate advert for the job profile you want to fill in your business. If you are keen on hiring a new marketing manager, don’t just use a marketing manager criteria template that is generic and downloaded from the Internet. You need to be specific. Do you need social media experience? Is handling budgets crucial? And do you need someone who understands the ins and outs of SEO? Formulate your advert so only the candidates with the relevant skillset and experience apply. If you don’t know the sort of candidate you need, how can you expect to find the finest one? Develop the person specification and then long list and shortlist against it to leave you with a pool of potential new employees to interview.


The skills that a candidate can bring to the role you have advertised is only one facet of the perfect employee. You also need someone with a good sense of humor, work ethic, and an ability to hit the ground running in your cohesive team. This means interviewing and using questions that really delve into their psyche. Give them a tour of the workplace and see how they mingle with the team.

If you find that a candidate may not have the years of blue chip experience or specific niche qualification, but they are a good fit, consider hiring them. Many MBAs are now completed to a high standard with no GMAT requirements needed to achieve them. If you have a candidate like this, don’t put them on the reject pile straight away and see what they are about.


You may choose to recruit yourself or you could seek the services of a specific recruitment agency with links within your industry. This can be ideal if you don’t have the time or resources to recruit yourself. Recruitment agencies often have high caliber candidates looking for jobs already on their books. Alternatively, they use platforms like Indeed and LinkedIn to fill positions. Tell them what you are looking for and allow them to go through the long listing and shortlisting processes to leave you with a fine bunch of potential new employees for you to interview. It is up to you to whittle down the remaining candidates. To entice them, an above average salary, a decent benefits package, and pleasant working environment should be your selling points.

Follow this simple guide and you can attract the finest candidates to your company.