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  • February 9, 2021

3 Overlooked Steps to Startup

Startups are seemingly everywhere at the moment and while some have enjoyed wild success, clothes have come and gone like the buses. Many startups fail because they lack some core principles when beginning. Your business plan and funding might be all well and good, but there are other important
  • February 9, 2021

Where Should You Put Your Income?

Most people don’t start a business expecting to make much of an income early on in the venture. They focus on making the business as robust as possible, and take the time to slowly build the company and number of customers up. At some point, however, you’ll hope that
  • February 4, 2021

Should Your Company Go Fully Remote?

The world has gone for remote working in a big way over the last year. The pandemic has forced more traditional, office-based organizations to implement remote working where they otherwise wouldn’t have. It was a huge learning curve for many companies, as they rushed to get their systems secure
  • February 4, 2021

9 Reasons Why Ambition Can Change Your Life

Generally, ambition is what we need to push us forward in life, reaching for what it is that we want. The trick is actually figuring out what it is that you truly want, as it’s no use trying to push yourself to something that you’re not very passionate about.
  • February 3, 2021

Choice in Coaching

Traditionally, when organizations offer coaching, the instructors are the ones who decide what will be learned, and how. With Ezra Coaching, the learner is given more choice. When more autonomous learning is offered in this way, then some interesting things can be revealed.
  • February 2, 2021

Should You Hand-Craft or Machine-Build Your Product?

Products come in all forms from cakes to clothing to computers. The way you choose to manufacture your product can have a big impact on the type of customer it will attract. It could also have an impact on the scale of your business and the return that you
  • February 2, 2021

5 Questions to Save Money on Your Real Estate Investment

A real estate investment has a considerable advantage compared to other investment portfolios. It is a fully tangible and physical item, which you can see and monitor. There’s no need to have a solid understanding of the stock exchange market or cryptocurrency to make it work for you.
  • February 2, 2021

6 Common Workplace Problems and Possible Solutions

Every organization goes through seasons or moments of challenges but how you deal with them determines your success. Challenges are learning platforms and should be embraced positively. They expose the weak points in a company which aid in building better structures. Even with the best plans and tools, expect
  • February 1, 2021

Understanding Your Responsibilities as an Entrepreneur

No matter what reason or backstory has led you to becoming an entrepreneur, what matters is that you try your best when you define yourself as this way. Entrepreneurs are often painted as being somewhat sleazy chancers that dive on any opportunity they can, focused on only lining their
  • January 30, 2021

Why Is the High-Rise Dying but Coworking Flourishing?

2020 showed us many things and one of the ways, the office high-rise is pretty much dying. It’s causing mass panic among investors and although they might be hoping for a comeback in the near future, the sad news is, there won’t be any such comeback.

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