Category:  Marketing

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  • May 30, 2018

3 Tips for How to Make Your Mobile App Go Viral

I believe it’s every mobile app developer’s ambition to have their product be a resounding success. Why else would they be entering an industry that’s predicted to generate $189 billion in revenues by 2020?
  • December 30, 2017

How to Utilize Your Own Marketing as A Smaller Business

While listening to a regular podcast, I was surprised to hear a marketing exert suggest that most smaller businesses found it hard to market their business successfully, especially when it comes to social media. His suggestion was to leave the marketing to the experts.
  • July 27, 2017

Marketing Mistakes That You Would Do Well to Avoid

Though marketing relies heavily on keeping your business relevant, it also requires you to regularly assure that the techniques you are employing are appropriate and are having the desired effect.
  • February 27, 2017

Does Your Business Have a Marketing Plan in Place?

Though many of us will have a business plan in place, a vast amount of businesses often fail to realize the importance of compiling a marketing plan as well.

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