Category:  Small Business

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  • June 11, 2018

You’re Failing, Now What? 6 Steps to Take Small Business Out of Debt

Getting into debt is a common problem for small businesses. Business Insider reports that statistically, 82% of the small companies that fail do so because of cash flow problems. However, that doesn’t mean that yours has to fail to.
  • June 9, 2018

Making a Business of Bettering the World: Benefits of a Nonprofit

Benefits of starting a nonprofit range from the incredible satisfaction you’ll get from helping people/animals/the planet to tax exemptions. Contrary to a popular belief, running a nonprofit doesn’t mean that you have to go without.
  • December 30, 2017

How to Utilize Your Own Marketing as A Smaller Business

While listening to a regular podcast, I was surprised to hear a marketing exert suggest that most smaller businesses found it hard to market their business successfully, especially when it comes to social media. His suggestion was to leave the marketing to the experts.
  • November 14, 2017

Would Your Small Business Benefit from Office Sharing?

Having been invited on a selection of office tours recently, there was one office set up which instantly caught my eye. Four small creative businesses had decided to rent office space together, instead of going it alone and renting one office each.
  • May 4, 2017

What to Prioritize when You Are a Small Business

I applaud all small business trying their hardest to move their business forward to bigger and better things. The amount of hats a small business owner must wear during one working day alone is enough to inspire even the most reluctant of observers!

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