Category: Career

- August 1, 2020
Your Salary Expectations May Be More Than What You Make
Making the perfect salary for some people is one of the main goals when entering into the workforce, while other people see it as a by-product of their career choice. Securing the bag, making sure you are willing to give up precious time and energy to getting a promotion

- July 31, 2020
How to Make Remote Working Work for You
Not so long ago, working from home was a rarity, with very few companies considering a remote team a viable option. Fast forward to 2020, and remote working has become part of the ‘new normal.’ Companies were forced to mobilize remote working in a short space of time, and

- July 31, 2020
High Paying Career Ideas for Young People Interested in Nursing
Younger people who want to immediately take off and get started with their careers should absolutely look into the nursing industry. While there is a bit of uncertainty that is associated with young people, they do have boundless energy to make up for their oscillating nature. A lot of

- July 20, 2020
4 of the Most Profitable and Extraordinary Industries to Get Into
The process of changing careers is very daunting to many – especially when it involves entering a new industry. However, if you are organized, have the right experience and the determination, there’s no reason why it can’t happen.

- June 18, 2020
How to Stay Focused When Running a Business From Home
Many people are running their business from home for the first time right now, and the transition can be difficult. It’s a lot easier to stay focused when you are in an office environment that is set up for productive work, but many people find that they struggle to

- June 3, 2020
Digging the Dirt: Why Mining Is Attracting More Millennials Than Ever
Around 40,000 years ago, the very first mine for coal was created. However, it wasn’t until 10,000 years ago that the mining industry was officially born. It is an industry that has faced a lot of speculation over the last few years, with commodity prices in decline and some

- May 22, 2020
A Guide to Becoming a Leader Early in Your Career
Many young go-getters have their minds trained on leadership from the instant that they leave college or high school. Although getting a leadership position at a young age is possible, it is important that you take active steps towards your career goals, rather than simply hope that you attract

- May 21, 2020
How to Overcome the Most Common Challenges When Working From Home
Working from home can be a blessing or a curse. Some people love the freedom and the flexibility to work according to their own schedule from the comfort of their home. Others find it hard to stay motivated and crave the structure and social relationships of the office.

- May 21, 2020
The Infrastructure and Services You Need to Work From Home
So the new thing is, everyone has to work from home. The current situation demands that we all continue working from home, if at all possible. We can’t go into our offices, we can’t use the services we enjoy in high-rise commercial buildings and we have to stand up

- May 18, 2020
14 Work From Home Hacks That Will Revolutionize Your Working Day
Many people are having to work from home at the moment due to COVID-19, and are having a hard time doing so. For those who have never had to work from home, getting into the swing of things can be incredibly difficult, and can leave you feeling like a