
- November 30, 2019
The Importance of the Oft-Forgotten Soft Skills
When we think of the ways in which we can develop ourselves and build the next step in our career, we often think of what’s called hard skills. What are the technical skills and competencies directly related to the job that we want to do? Those are important, but it’s also important that we don’t forget the other side of the coin: the soft skills.
The following skills are important because they matter across roles, even across careers, and are a crucial part of working in most modern team and office environments. Ensure that you’re taking the time to work on the following.
Naturally, you want people to understand what it is that you’re trying to say to them. You can work on both your written and verbal communication, but it’s just as important to learn how to communicate in different settings, such as to a superior, to a customer, to a business partner, and to a crowd. Public speaking groups are a good example of ways to develop your communication skills.
Active Listening
Being able to understand what’s being said to you is just as important as being able to communicate, yourself. There’s no real way to practice active listening but to try it, to make sure that you’re making the effort to keep the information, and to know what points to question or add to.
This might be self-explanatory to some, but many of us spend a lot of our professional lives working amongst others on our own stuff without considering what our team needs from us. Using team communication software can help foster better teamwork, as it helps us recognise our place in the wider team and builds a connection between us.
If you want to step up to the next level, then you need leadership skills at some point. From team motivation to project planning to delegation, a BBA management can teach you a lot of the skills that you need to become a leader. However, you also need the skills of communication and teamwork as mentioned above.
Critical Analysis
Another ability that sets the wheat apart from the chaff is their ability to analyse problems critically and to solve it themselves instead of always needing help. Problem solving skills necessiate that you’re able to face unexpected challenges, look at the information available, and come up with a solution, even if you haven’t been specifically trained to do so.
Time Management
Simply put, your ability to manage your time is going to determine how reliable you are to others. There are time management apps every professional should learn to use. They can help you better keep appointments, meet deadlines, and be much more productive with how you spend your time.
Start Working on Your Soft Skills Today
If you feel like you’ve hit a bump on your career road map, then don’t just look at what technical skills you need. Make sure you’re developing yourself into the most capable and best-fitting professional for any team with the soft skills that we’ve taken a closer look at above.