
  • November 5, 2021

4 Maintenance Tips to Extend Your Equipment Life

Entrepreneurs invest most of their capital in machinery as it brings in more than 10x investment returns. For this reason, ensuring proper care, maintenance, and regular upgrades is a vital part of doing business. In the current competitive climate, a slight downtime due to equipment breakdown can have grave consequences on the productivity and success of your small business.

Therefore, you might want to consider these four maintenance tips to extend your equipment life.

Keep Detailed Service Records

You need to be aware of all the required optimizations and nudges when performing preventative maintenance on your equipment. Having a more detailed service log will give you a complete picture of your machine status. When performing a thorough inspection, note down the equipment’s state, including lights, undercarriage, fuel tanks, and belts. Business equipment maintenance records are essential for health and safety management, requiring efficient storage and management. Paperwork is often retained for long periods for safety or compliance purposes.

Assign Monitoring Roles

Although the apparent solution is maintenance, avoiding machines or equipment overuse can extend your business machine life and reduce carbon emissions. This is more particular for equipment like your copiers. It is essential to keep a proper maintenance schedule by assigning monitoring tasks to staff to keep track of things. That said, they will monitor the machine cleaning, performance, and other maintenance aspects. This way, you can stay ahead of any surprises that may cause downtimes.

Implement Right Maintenance Systems

A proper schedule maintenance plan can provide safety for your personnel and machinery. Calling an expert only in the event of a system or mechanical failure can cause significant damage. Therefore, it is vital to set up scheduled maintenance at regular intervals. For example, if you work in the automobile industry, you can enhance your machine performance by performing scheduled dynamic balancing on your engine crankshafts, tires, and other rotating machine parts. This can save you money by preventing vibrations that could compromise your machine’s useful life.

Get First-Hand Knowledge of Your Equipment

Regardless of whether you buy a piece of small or large business equipment, having first-hand knowledge of it is critical. This is why every machine comes with a manufacturer’s manual. It is helpful to read it carefully to find out how to use the equipment properly. The manual will also mention how to maintain the machine. There are tons of resources online about almost every machine usage. The machine manual can save your business some cash in unnecessary damages and fixes. You may likewise talk to the experts about the machine updates. That way, you can stay on top of business productivity at all times.

Extending the life of your business equipment is not rocket science. You need to pay attention to every detail each day. Otherwise, provide regular training to the machine operators or equipment users. However, don’t forget to ensure proper equipment usage if you want to keep it running for long. By all means, allow your machines to rest to prevent breakdown.

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