
  • April 25, 2020

Recruiting Staff at the Right Time in the Right Way

Every small business owner is likely to have to take on staff at some point or another. This, of course, is a positive thing, as it shows that your business is expanding, and the more your business expands, the more profit you are likely to be generating. However, taking on staff can be a relatively daunting process if it’s something that you are unfamiliar or inexperienced in.

But not to worry. Here are a few steps that you can take in order to ensure that you recruit your staff the right way!

Making Sure You’re Ready for New Staff

Before you take on new staff, you’re going to have to make sure that you’re ready for them. Do you have the hardware ready that they’ll need to complete their work? A desktop computer or a laptop with the right software installed, for example? Do you have a lanyard ready with any fobs essential to access different parts of the business? If not, take a look here. Do you have a management system in place so they know who to report to? The better prepared you are, the more seamless their transition into the company will be.

Advertising Positions Effectively

To start your journey towards taking on a new staff member, make sure to advertise your position effectively. Know what kind of individual you’re looking for, what qualifications you’d like, what experience you’d like and how much you’re willing to pay for it. Then, make a job listing and put it on a job site. Some of the most popular include LinkedIn and Indeed. If you have a traditional brick and mortar store you’re recruiting for, you could benefit from putting an ad up in the window too. Let people know how to apply at the end of the job description – perhaps include your business email address so they can send resumes over. If you anticipate a lot of applications, you may want to do this through a recruitment agency.

Conducting Interviews

When you receive resumes, it’s time to start sifting through them. Once you know who you’re interested in, conduct some interviews. This gives you the chance to meet your applicants face to face and determine whether they live up to what they’ve put on their CV and whether they’ll fit in with you and the rest of your existing team if you have one.

Employing Individuals

By the end of the interview process, you should have a good idea of which individual you want to employ. This is great news! It’s generally a good idea to send a congratulatory email or make a phone call to offer them the position. Use this opportunity to come to final agreements about contracted hours, rates of pay, and other terms and conditions of the individual’s employment.

Employing people can feel complex. But it really is a straightforward process. Just take some time to get to know what you’re looking for and find the right individual for the job!

A pretty interesting post, huh?

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