
  • July 22, 2019

Three Tips to Help You Turn Your Passion Project into a Career

If your job sucks and you don’t feel inspired by any of the opportunities for progression in the pipeline, it might be time for a career change. While a change can be as good as a holiday, a new career won’t satisfy you long-term unless you’ve found something you’re passionate about. These tips will help you turn your passion into a career.

Find Your Calling

Is there anything you would do even if you weren’t being paid for it? Is there an activity that makes you lose yourself in concentration? Is there something that makes time fly for you? If you answered yes to any of these questions, let this be your guide when it comes to finding your new career. Bear in mind that a hobby is not necessarily something you’re passionate about. Don’t confuse something that helps you pass an idle Sunday afternoon with something that makes you feel inspired. For example, if you enjoy knitting, you shouldn’t necessarily become a professional knitter. But if you spend your waking hours dreaming up incredible new patterns and all your friends tell you to start at Etsy store, you may have a career on your hands!

Look for Opportunities

Just because a low-paying job offers an opportunity to do what you are passionate about doesn’t mean you should rush to take it. While it can be tempting to put silly things like money aside and take up a role that makes you tick, don’t make the career move unless you know you will be able to make a living. (Or you may end up back in your old job!) How you choose to monetise your skills will determine how viable your passion project really is. It’s worth looking around for options rather than taking the first job that comes along. For example, if you’re a natural carer, deciding to start a senior care business is a more promising prospect than taking an internship with a charitable organisation that can’t afford to pay you. To ensure that you transition successfully into your chosen career, make sure you do your homework about the various career options open to you.


The job you really want may not be within your reach. Right now. While it might be tempting to leave your current job right away to pursue your passion, it might be smarter to stay in your job while you invest in the skills you need to make yourself employable in your target industry. Whether it’s night classes or an online course, identifying skills you need to get your dream job and then using your spare time to acquire them is a great way to lay the groundwork for your job hunt.

Leaving a job that doesn’t inspire you is a scary decision. But, if you’re passionate about something and you don’t find a way to make it your purpose in life, you may regret it forever. These tips will help you turn your passion into a career without throwing caution to the wind.