
  • April 22, 2021

Effective Ways to Expand Your E-Commerce Business

E-commerce is a growing industry and there is an increasing number of consumers choosing to shop online every day. Due to demand, more and more established businesses are creating virtual stores and with so much competition, it can be difficult to stay afloat. Here are a few effective ways to help your e-commerce business grow.

Promotional Products

Using promotional products in your e-commerce business can help you motivate staff and show gratitude and entice existing customers. They can also help you advertise your business. Adding promotional products to your direct mail campaign can help you stand out in a saturated, e-commerce market, while useful items like tote bags and water bottles, which are used in everyday life, make great gifts for existing customers. Not only are they practical, but when used they can expose your brand to potential new customers.

Look at Logistics

Delivery time is a top priority for 87 percent of online shoppers, with 67 percent of people willing to pay more for same-day delivery. Improve your consumer’s buying experience by improving logistics. Do not skimp out on packaging either. Consumers today appreciate eco-friendly, branded packaging. Research shows that 50 percent of online shoppers are more likely to recommend a company to friends if the packaging is branded.

Take Care of Your Existing Customers

When it comes to expanding your business, it is not all about finding new customers. Make sure you take the time to take care of your existing customer base. Consumers who feel valued are more likely to do business with you again. A customer who has made a purchase on your website may be swayed to make an additional, complementary purchase – for example, if someone has bought a notebook then they may be interested in purchasing other stationery to go with it. A short, promotional email with related products could go a long way and boost sales. Although people do not want spam to fill up their inbox, seasonal offers and discounts for their loyalty can pique interest. Loyalty cards for repeat customers is also a great way to retain business and enhance profits.

Referral Rewards Program

A referral rewards program enables existing customers to be rewarded with goods when they promote your business. This type of program essentially turns your happy customers into brand advocates. Rewards can include discounted goods, free memberships and even free products.


Collaboration is an effective way to spread the word about your business, no matter which industry you’re in. But, with e-commerce, it is even more effective, as the word can spread quickly about your offers, discounts, and more. There is an array of options for you to consider, such as working alongside complementary businesses to using content marketing, and understanding why an anchor text is important for spreading the word. This subtle approach to marketing your company has proven effective, but you’ll need to work with SEO experts to understand why the type of anchor text matters to help blog posts rank high on search engines.

Connect via Social Media

With a lot of consumers using social media nowadays, make sure you take advantage by setting up and maintaining a strong, social media presence. Posting regularly and using social platforms to highlight your products can help you reach a broader audience. Mix it up with live videos, e-commerce ads and share relevant posts with your followers. By using discounts, exclusive promos and contests you can build a loyal online fan base.

Pinpoint and Market Popular Products

Identify your best sellers and make them stand out on your website. By making these products more noticeable you can increase your e-shop conversions and sales. This winning strategy can help attract traffic to your website. Furthermore, you have the stats to prove the popularity of your chosen products and so there is less risk of putting potential customers off by marketing the wrong items.

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