
- September 3, 2019
Ways to Legally Protect Your Business
When you are a small business owner, you will spend so much time and effort into your product or service offering. But there can always be a concern in the back of your mind where you wonder about someone stealing all of your hard work or someone hacking your site or so on.
How would you be able to go about contacting them and asking them to remove it? What would you be able to do if someone did steal your idea? Or what if someone else has been out there selling it off as their own and then making money off it?
So today, it is all about taking a look at the most important ways that you can legally protect your business, both online and offline. It’s not just about becoming worried about something, or even the thought of getting sued either. Not only that, but you need to make sure that you can protect the content that you have, to make sure that you can get paid and keep the business growing. So here are some of the ways that you can protect your business, so that business can carry on booming.
Start with Your Website
To start off with, you need to make sure that you are able to protect your business and do that through the content that you have, through your website. All business websites need to have a privacy policy, a page for terms and conditions, as well as a website disclaimer. Having something like a privacy policy is all about what happens with site visitors details, especially if you have something like a ‘contact me’ page. A website disclaimer is a clear statement to website visitors about who your business is and how you are qualified to do so. When you think about your site, it is great to know that people all around the world can view your site, and learn about your business. You just need to make sure that you have essential legal documents on your site to protect yourselves and your business.
Client Contracts
It can be really tempting to text or email prospective clients, but when it comes to contracts, then it is one area that keeping things together and keeping things old school with paper and pen, is really important. Any kinds of agreements that you enter into for products or services, need to be done in a formal contract. The contract that you have should be clear about what is or isn’t included, payment terms, and details about your company’s policies. Then if any issues do crop up, then you can always look back on the contract which is a great way to protect yourselves.
When you start a company, then you need to make sure that you have business insurance. Of course, in an ideal world, you will never need to use it. But for covering yourselves and your team, speaking to an insurance broker to find insurance that is ideal for your business needs is really important. It can give you some peace of mind, just in case there is something that you need back-up with, and you thought you might had covered but didn’t.
Stay Within the Scope
One of the best ways to really be able to protect your business, is to make sure that you are always operating with the best scope of your knowledge or practice. Of course, this kind of thing can be different for different people, and it will depend on who you are, and what kind of experience or qualifications that you have. For example, if you are someone working in the health and wellness space, then it can make a big difference if you are a nurse or a health coach. You are going to give out some quite different advice, as you are qualified to give out quite different advice. Also, don’t give out advice where you’re not qualified, such as giving out financial advice if you’re just a life coach, for instance.
You can have something like a disclaimer to say that all advice should be checked before being acted upon, of course. But in order to grow the business and be a success, you should make sure that you only operate within your scope of practice as well. If you can get a reliable network of other professionals around you, then it can be good to refer clients or customers to each other, rather than damaging your reputation by trying to answer things that you’re not qualified to answer.