
- August 6, 2020
Easy Ways to Provide a Clean and Healthy Working Environment
As a business owner, you may be surprised to learn that one of the most important things about running a successful business is to have happy employees. Happy employees are more productive, more motivated, and are much more loyal. This makes it an area of focus.
If you provide a safe and clean working environment for your employees you are in a much better position to be able to keep them happy and focused. Below you will find some of the easy ways you can provide a clean and safe working environment for your employees.
Providing a Clean Working Place
A huge part of keeping your employees happy is to ensure you are providing a clean, fresh, and COVID-19 friendly working environment. This includes areas like toilet facilities, kitchens, and staff rooms. Some of the areas you should focus on include:
Providing toilet facilities goes without saying. You also need to make sure you are keeping them hygienic and clean at all times. Try adding in extras like anti-bacterial hand wash, hand dryers, and urinal screens to help. Hiring a dedicated cleaning service through Snupit is also a great way to combat this issue.
Kitchen Facilities
You don’t need to provide a luxury kitchen for your employees, however, it is good to provide somewhere for them to store the lunch, make a beverage, and warm some food. You also need to make sure these areas are kept clean and tidy. Ask you, employees, to respect this space by cleaning after themselves but also utilise the cleaning service you are using to clean it too.
General Office Areas
Just like with the kitchen and toilet facilities, you need to ensure you are providing your employees with a safe, clean, and fresh working environment to work in. Make sure all desks, work station, and communal area are dust-free, hoovered, and mopped on a regular basis. Use antibacterial products to ensure you are protecting the environment from COVID-19 risks. It’s also now best to make sure that workspaces are spread out more than before to ensure people aren’t working next to each other for extended periods of time.
Health and Safety
Every workplace should have health and safety measures in place, including policies and training provided to each employee. Carry out a regular check-in order to identify issues and resolve them quickly. Areas that you need to focus on include:
Training for using ladders, lifting heavy objects, moving machinery, and the procedure for reporting any issues.
You need to have a fire policy in place that includes training for staff, practice fire drills at least month a month and on different days, and training for fire marshals who are the employees who will take action if there was to be a real fire. Fire safety equipment, exits, routes, and muster points all need to be cleary identifying and seen.
This will be different for each piece of equipment being used, however, you need to ensure that staff are trained to use the machinery and know what to do if there is an accident.
These are all important things to consider when putting health and safety measures in place in your working environment. Do you have anything else that should be included? Please share them in the comments below.