
  • May 26, 2023

How Younger Entrepreneurs Can Beat the Simple Stresses and Hassles of the Hustle

It’s safe to say that the life of a young entrepreneur is not the easiest thing to contend with. If you are trying to build up a business, you’ve got to get out there and start meeting new clients, get new customers, and really embrace that concept of “the hustle,” but it’s tougher than ever to ensure that we are getting ourselves out there, but when it comes to exposure and actually being there for people, you’ve got to ensure that you are putting in the mileage. Getting around is tougher than ever, which is why you’ve got to optimize your business life in some of the following ways:

Fine-Tuning Your Transport

Traveling is one of the most stressful aspects of entrepreneurial life, which is why you need to figure out the easiest ways to get around. It may not always be easy to drag it around, but this is where you’ve got to start streamlining your luggage and ensure you can get everything into one bag, but also figure out your approaches to how you will transport yourself around. 

You can always book cars or taxis, but if you’re trying to conserve your finances while also traveling around quicker there are tools such as the Future Motion Inc Onewheel Board, which is like a skateboard with a large wheel attached to it. Think of it like a Segway but without the handles. It’s certainly a quick way to get around, but when you start to think about the combinations of how you can streamline your traveling, especially when a flight is delayed, it will make a massive difference in your stress levels.

Always Reserve a Meeting Room

One of the biggest mistakes younger entrepreneurs make is thinking that they can just have meetings over lunch. Certainly, lunchtime meetings are a way to get things done, but the problem is that the ebb and flow of the meetings is greatly interrupted by people bringing food and asking other questions. Reserving a meeting room means that you are there for the purposes of doing business rather than eating lunch with a side order of doing business! 

The great thing is that these days there’s many services that can help you to book a meeting room, such as WeWork, and you can book meeting rooms for as little as $10. While you may be trying to conserve your finances, you should still prioritize the concept of the meeting because this is where you will get stuff done.

Hack Your Stress Response

For many entrepreneurs, it’s about pushing forward that will give them that momentum, but the problem is when we are constantly on the go, we never stop to think about our stress response.

Because there’s so much work to do and seemingly not enough time to do it in, this is when you need to start focusing on tools like box breathing and ways to stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system. This is especially important when traveling around between meetings and hotel rooms and living such a hectic life!